President İlham Aliyev: Azerbaijan, Iran to strengthen joint efforts in fighting int’l terrorism

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who arrived in Iran with an official visit on Feb. 23, has expressed gratitude to his counterpart Hassan Rouhani for the invitation to visit Tehran and for hospitality. 

Azerbaijani president said he is glad to visit brotherly Iran again.

"I take this opportunity to once again congratulate you and the whole Iranian people with the lift of sanctions imposed on Iran,” President Aliyev said in his statement for the press in Tehran Feb. 23.

The statement was broadcast live on Iran’s state IRINN TV channel.

He added that Azerbaijan has always opposed these sanctions and has always voiced its opinion from all high tribunes.

"Mr. President, you very well informed the media representatives about all the issues we discussed,” said President Aliyev, adding that the sides exchanged views on many issues and expressed unanimity of opinions.

"We, in Azerbaijan are very glad that the Iranian-Azerbaijani relations are developing successfully and intensively,” said Ilham Aliyev.

"Our relations have a very solid foundation,” said the president, adding that the peoples of the two countries have lived together throughout centuries.

"We are bound by the history, culture, common past and religion,” he said. "Our relations are being built on this solid basis and today, the Iranian-Azerbaijani relations have grown into the strategic cooperation.”

President Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan and Iran always support each other in the international organizations, where they cooperate.

"Our trade relations have great prospects,” said the Azerbaijani president, adding that today, the sides discussed the developments on the international arena and the bilateral relations.

"We agreed to even more strengthen the joint efforts in fighting the international terrorism,” said President Aliyev. "We will continue to support each other on the international arena.”
