ISIS in terrifying move to hijack FIGHTER JETS and blitz Russia in the skies

The Kremlin is worried its enemies in Syria could hijack planes in neighbouring countries and use them to attack.

Vladimir Putin today sent 4,000 troops and missile systems to the area to ward off this threat, hinting they will not hesitate to shoot ISIS out of the sky.

The news comes with 22,000 Brits stranded in Egypt after the UK suspended all flights out of Sharm el-Shiekh until at least tomorrow.

Number 10 is worried the downed Russian plane which crashed in the Sinai Desert on Saturday was blown apart by a bomb airport staff let slip through the net.

As revealed by the Daily Star, the rising international tensions could edge the hands on the infamous Doomsday Clock closer to midnight.

The respected Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) is set to meet again within days to decide whether it is time to move the clock hands forward – with grave concerns over the current international climate foremost in their minds.

Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, the head of Russia's Air Force, said fighter jets could be hijacked in countries neighbouring Syria and used to attack Russian forces.

He said: "We have calculated all possible threats. We have sent not only fighter jets, bombers and helicopters, but also missile systems.

"We must be ready."

A security expert has told Daily Star Online that Russia's relentless bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria appears to have provoked the alleged attack on the Metrojet plane.

ISIS has released several propaganda videos in the aftermath of the tragedy, claiming responsibility for it.

US and UK intelligence agencies now believe that is the most likely explanation, although Russia and Egypt say there is no evidence yet to prove the theory.

Speaking to the Star, Will Geddes, MD of the International Corporate Protection, said: "The UK is obviously very concerned to have imposed such a restriction so quickly.

"I think Russia's role in the recent bombing campaign has angered extremists and provoked this attack."

He agreed that ISIS would be so motivated to damage Russia and drive them out of Syria they would resort to "almost anything".

The US and UK believe Russia's military involvement in Syria is to target rebels against the Assad government, as well as ISIS.
