World informed about Khojaly Genocide

Aydin Mirzezade deems, in the last years the government and public organizations have done considerable work in this direction

The work over recognition of  Khojaly Genocide committed by Armenians  on 25–26 February 1992 is being  continued. One more document was prepared yesterday. Thus, the European Azerbaijanis Congress (EAC) has sent an appeal to Elena Valenciano, the newly-elected chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) of the European Parliament, on "The recognition as a crime of the massacre committed against the residents of Khojaly in 1992 and the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” 

According to the  State Committee on Work with Diaspora, the appeal calls for the European Parliament to express a certain position on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in accordance with international law, recognition as a war crime of Armenia’s act of genocide against the residents of Khojaly that took place on 26 February 1992, criminal responsibility upon Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan for this massacre, a commission of international experts to investigate this genocide, and the heads of OSCE Minsk Group countries to make efforts to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict.  As well as, the appeal includes  information about the "Justice for Khojaly!” campaign launched on the initiative of Leyla Aliyeva, General Coordinator of the OIC Youth Foundation on Intercultural Dialogue of Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYFDC).
Note that, the Congress has also created a Facebook page dedicated to the Khojaly genocide to reach out to more audience.
Moreover, the Congress has issued booklets providing information on the Khojaly genocide — photos from the exhibition "Khojaly through the eyes of children” organized the "Justice for Khojaly!” campaign, etc. The booklets were then sent to the parliament of Germany’s Nordrhein-Westfalen state and the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights.

MP Aydin Mirzezade  has shared his thoughts on this issue with "Kaspi”. He specially noted that considerable work has been done for recognition of Khojaly Genocide on int’l level: "Khojaly Massacre, the brutal crime committed by Armenians against civilians went down the history of Azerbaijan and the whole world.  Armenians have committed the most inhuman crime against humanity, specially  against women and children. All those crimes  once more proves Armenians’ savagery. Regretfully, there was not a strong authority in Azerbaijan in those days.Those  factors caused of the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia. However , Armenians try to get rid of  their responsibility for their crimes they committed. We have done a lot of considerable work on recognition of Khojaly Genocide in the world. Thus, the number of countries recognized Khojaly Genocide increased. More than  20 states of US have already recognized the Khojaly Genocide".
Aydin Mirzezade also stressed that the work on Khojaly Genocide has also been done in the country. There was not a provision in Azerbaijani legislation. But now this point has been included in the criminal Code. Legal assessment has been given to the issue by the National Leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, who was the president of Azerbaijan at that time and a major investigation was launched over the tragedy. 
As a result of that, important facts have been collected  about the crime. Several books have been published on it. There is significant and useful information on the Khojaly Genocide on the Internet. Everyone may get thorough  information on the massacre.  As well as, Parliament of Azerbaijan has sent appeals to  various countries' parliaments.  Parliaments of several  countries have adopted bills on the recognition  of the Khojaly Genocide. Furthermore, in different countries monuments were erected in memory of the victims of this tragedy. Azerbaijani embassies, diaspora organizations have been doing their best for recognition of the genocide. A series of events are held on the eve of the genocide’s anniversary in various countries of the world. Articles on the genocide are published in several foreign newspaper and magazines.” 

Touching upon an investigation held by the Hague Tribunal on  incidents occurred in Georgia, 2008,  Aydin Mirzezade expressed his hope that the same action will be started about the Khojaly Genocide. 

Azerbaijani side has appealed to different courts about the massacre. Relatives of massacre victims also appealed to the European Court of Human rights. Of course, the accused party is Armenia. According to all international law and principles, Azerbaijan's position is unambiguous. Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity has been violated and more than 1 mln Azerbaijanis forced to flee their homes and lands. Member of Milli Mejlis also stressed that we must demand the right to the end :” Sometimes they refuse to consider appeals. For example, they showed  indifference to the appeal of Dilgem Asgerov and Shahbaz Guliyev. In fact, they are being held hostage in their own lands by Armenian side that occupied Azerbaijan’s lands. As, their issue should be seen as a matter of priority and urgency. But it was not considered. Regretfully, they found it a usual issue. This approach was unfair. Despite all of these, Azerbaijan will not withdraw in any case. We will use all legal means.