Leaders of Azerbaijani communities appeal to int’l organizations over Khojaly genocide

Chairman of the Caucasian Muslim Office (CMO) Sheikh-ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade, Archbishop of Baku and Azerbaijan Eparchy Alexander and head of the Mountain Jews Religious Community Milikh Yevdayev have appealed to world leaders, parliaments, international organizations, and the European Court of Human Rights over the Khojaly genocide, the CMO told APA. 

APA presents the letter of appeal below:
Ahead of the 24th anniversary of the genocide committed in Azerbaijan’s Khojaly town, we are once again addressing the entire international community regardless of religion, language and national identity. We believe that there can not be a nation or a religion justifying acts of violence, slaughter and aggression that run contrary to universal values. The deliberate acts of genocide Armenian committed in Khojaly became the climax of their atrocities. As a historical reality, the Khojaly tragedy—just like the Holocaust, Guernica, Khatyn—is an example crime against humanity! Despite 20 years have passed, the Armenians terrorists have not been penalized so far unfortunately and they have not fulfilled the four resolutions of the UN Security Council yet. In reference to Azerbaijan’s appeals to the international community for years, a number countries and international organizations have recognized the Khojaly genocide and Azerbaijan’s policy aimed at restoring historical justice is continuing.

The activities carried out with the support of the World Azerbaijanis and campaign "Justice for Khojaly” play an important role in bringing to the world community the truth about Azerbaijan and revealing the true face of the aggressor.
The migrant crisis currently engulfing the world is a consequence of an indifferent attitude towards the problem of one million Azerbaijanis who were expelled from their native lands by Armenian extremists. At that time, Azerbaijan managed to solve the social problems of IDPs due to its means and it has become an obvious example of the moral strength of our country.
We once again call on the world's religious leaders, parliaments, international organizations and the European Court of Human Rights to give a political and legal assessment of the aggression and atrocities committed by Armenian extremists against the Azerbaijani people and recognize the crime committed in Khojaly as an act of genocide.