Indicator of the state's attitude toward the army

Recently The committee against Defense, Security and Corruption of the V revocation of the National Assembly had its first session. Various issues have been disguised at the session, one of them was draft law 'On changes to 'Garrison and Guard Duty Charter of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan". The first deputy chairman of the National Assembly Ziyafat Asgarov informed that according to the amendment, the 18th chapter of the charter entitled " Paying military respect during the organization and implementation of burials" will be edited. The purpose of the amendment is to increase the level of military honors shown at the funerals of the military servants killed on duty. 

16th amendment entitled "Organization and the rules of funeral ceremonies" was added to the charter as well. These rules define the organizations and implementation rules of funeral ceremonies of the individuals describes in the article 33rd of the charter. After the session, we talked to some of the deputies about the draft law that was introduced in the plenary session of the National Assembly. 

In his interview to "Kaspi", MP Zahid Oruj stated that, the need for an amendment for the law is primarily related to the time period: “As you know, that legal framework was created in ass. The army of the time, attitude towards it, the proper appreciation of certain peoples' services made it necessary to amend the law. There were also many clauses on the organization of the funeral ceremonies and paying respects to the killed military personnel that is not relevant to the current situation. Because of this, we thought there was a need for improvement of the existing law. It was a while that many instructions and amendments to the statues were made by parliament, president administration and other bodies and this document was adopted in our committee as well. 

MP also noted that, according to the improved laws, it is clearly defined who will be paid special respect and whose funeral will be organized by the state from now on: “ The clarification was needed for a long time. And the new amendment takes care of that. Maybe this is not a pleasant topic to talk about at lenght. But obviously, it is inevitable. That's why paying special respect for certain individuals who stood out in positive ways and organization of their funerals by the state was discussed. I also want to bring it to your attention that, the military servants who loses their lives while drunk or die outside military unit are not included in this category. The servants who die while committing crimes or due to other unpleasant reasons will also be left out of the category. If a military servant loses their lives for other reasons, we cannot consider them to be individuals who died while on duty. 

This is why it is clearly defined in the law who will receive special recognition. As painful as it is, I have to say that, other procedures - such as arranging the funerals off the killed military servants at a high level, is also addressed in the law. The main purpose of this chance is to show appropriate respect for people who have become role models for citizens and have proven themselves as being patriotic. The new laws also focus on appreciating the service in the name of the country, supporting the families of the military servants and reveals the state's attitude towards the army, All of these issues are addressed in the new law".

He also told as that, it was a very important step to make amendments to the law regarding the burial of the military servants who will be wrapped in Azerbaijani flag: " We wish good health to every Azerbaijani soldier and officer. They are the guardians of this country, they are fearlessly protecting their county and put their lives in danger. Both our citizens and our government are in favor of showing them special respect. By the way, the provisions on the arranging of the funerals of discharged soldiers, reserve soldiers as well as those who have received the titles of National Hero or received the order of  "Shah Ismayil Khatai", "Shohret" are also reflected in the charter. I am of the opinion that it will be adopted in the plenary session and come into force. 

MP Faraj Guliyev also confirmed that it was a necessity to amend the law: "We held our first session as a Committee and we discussed a number of issues. This topic was only hotly debated and a final decision was made. These issues was touched upon in the :Garrison and Guard Duty Charter of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan". But the law needed improving. We put forward our proposal as a Committee and we are certain that it will be adopted as a law. We clarified which military servants' funerals would be arranged by the state and which privileges they would receive. In essence, the law clarifies how the funerals of the soldiers who lose their lives during combat; who have served more than 20 years in the military; who have retired or were allowed to wear military uniform while on retirement, would be arranged. I have to emphasize again that we already had a law regarding the issue, but it needed improvement and the rules were changed and standardized. From now on, these procedures will be carried out in a certain manner"

Shafa Tapdig