Gloating video shows ISIS handing out sweets after Russian air crash tragedy

The video, released via ISIS social media channels, shows bowls of sweets being handed out to supporters following the fatal aircraft explosion at the weekend.

The murderous regime has claimed responsibly for the incident over Sinai, Egypt, on Saturday morning, where 224 people lost their lives.

And the latest video shows ISIS thugs praising the alleged downing of the Metrojet Airbus A321.

It is understood the latest propaganda video was filmed in Ninevah, Iraq, a province with a large Islamic State presence.

Footage shows sweets and leaflets are handed out by armed fighters to smiling locals at an event and as they pass in cars.

The video ends with five ISIS fighters purportedly praising the alleged downing of the flight.

A white jihadist appears and addresses the camera with an eastern European accent.

At one point during his aggressive rant he brandishes a blade as he speaks to the camera.

Investigators are probing the cause of the horror crash in the desert.

Wreckage from the Kogalymavia plane was found strewn across nine miles after the plane broke up 31,000 feet in the air.

Authorities in Egypt and Russia initally said the most likely cause of the crash was a technical fault.
