A new era for Iran but will the lifting of sanctions usher in a prosperous future?

Iran is entering a new chapter, diplomatically, politically and economically. The landmark nuclear deal is a reality and as part of that agreement crippling international sanctions have been lifted.

But analysts say the challenge for the Iranian government is only just beginning and it cannot rely on oil exports with today’s low prices, to bolster up the country’s weakened economy

Companies outside Iran in Europe, the US and China say they are eager to do business but for Iranian entrepreneurs there is a more cautious attitude.

"Lifting sanctions was a great success for the government and I should congratulate it , but I think we should not expect quick changes. The effect of lifting sanctions needs time to be fully realised,” said Saeed Yavary who runs a computer company.

Some say newly released funds which were blocked under sanctions will not be seen by ordinary Iranians, but instead will be used to pay off government debts.

"I think we will not see the results in near future and we shouldn’t expect to see changes tomorrow morning, but yet, there will be changes which will help Iran to have better relations with other countries and of course eventually some good things will be felt in out economy!” said one man.

"I think it happened too late, but yet it was a positive step towards Iran’s progress and at last those who run the country should now pay attention to people’s welfare,” said one woman.

Reporting for euronews Javad Montazeri says there is a mood of change but it is unchartered waters:
"Once again the doors to international relations are open. The doors which were locked in recent years. But now, people are looking to the government in order to see how they are going to solve the economic problems in this new situation.”

